3D Prindenting will create and develop a dental solution that includes both 3D imaging and 3D printing process. The Company will offer solution through this new technology by the usage of CAD/CAM technology embedded in proprietary software and the usage of a 3D printer that will manufacture a permanent crown from ceramic.

Technology accelerator for
Digital Dentistry

3D Prindenting will create and develop a dental solution that includes both 3D imaging and 3D printing process. The Company will offer solution through this new technology by the usage of CAD/CAM technology embedded in proprietary software and the usage of a 3D printer that will manufacture a permanent crown from ceramic. This approach will lead to the elimination of the manual modelling and allow dentists to speed up the production process and increase the number of patients.


Why 3dprindenting ?

The techniques used are tested and yield accurate results in less time and less effort. It saves time and money with eminent outcomes.
It has the ability to produce personalised implants and devices with high accuracy and fit.
The usage of CAD/CAM technology is embedded in proprietary software and the usage of a 3D printer that will manufacture a permanent crown from ceramic. This approach will lead to the elimination of the manual modelling and allow dentists to speed up the production process and increase the number of patients.

Tips of dental 3D printers

Biocompatible Materials

Materials innovation is at the heart of dental 3D printer adoption. While the production of models is crucial for many practices, the creation of dental appliances that can be placed intraorally, such as night guards, surgical guides, and digital dentures, are a critical to the advancement of this technology's role in dentistry.

Accuracy and Repeatability

Accuracy and repeatability are essential for dental 3D printers. In order to provide the highest standard of care and final fit and finish, extremely high accuracy is a non-negotiable. Recent advancements in materials and printing technology have supercharged the accuracy of 3D printers such as SprintRay Pro.

Production Speed and Scalability

In order to keep pace with a busy office, a good dental 3D printer should offer rapid print speeds and high overall production throughput. These are a factor of build plate size and light delivery technology and should not be overlooked.

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